
Ancient wheat dating back to 10,000+ BC

Einkorn: The original wheat with 14-chromosomes

Compare that to the standard modern wheat today at 42 chromosomes.

Changing the world

A crop to help end world hunger. With your help, we can help to feed those in need, while also providing your family with nutrient-dense, delicious Einkorn products, such as flour, granola, spaghetti, rotini, pancakes and waffle mix, crackers, and so much more! Cooking with Einkorn is fun, and we recommend this cookbook for some great recipes!

For any gluten-intolerant/gluten-sensitive people out there, Einkorn wheat is the way to eat!

From the book, "Ancient Wheat: Today's Staff of Life" by D. Gary Young - “for those who’ve have gluten sensitivity, a natural gluten from a 14-chromosome grass like einkorn will likely not cause a reaction because the body recognizes it as digestible food. But when a hybridized food with an unnatural protein structure created from a 42-chromosome man-made wheat enters the gut, the body has extreme difficulty digesting and recognizing it.”


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