Frequency Connection
Energy cannot be created or destroyed, but can be altered from one form to another.
-Law of Conservation of Energy
“If you wish to understand the universe, think of energy, frequency, and vibration."
-Nikola Tesla (1856 - 1943)
“You can look at disease as a form of disharmony. And there’s no organ system in the body that’s not affected by sound and music and vibration.”
-Mitchell Gaynor, MD (1956 - 2015)
Pure energy is electromagnetic radiation, light. It is simply frequency, movement — or put another way, sound. Everything is vibrating.
Everything is energy.
All energy has a waveform.
Waveform gives off a frequency.
Frequency gives an object its resonance.
The Electrical Properties of Cells & Organic Tissues
The body is a complex machine and the cells and tissues that make up the human body possess different electrical properties. The electric communication of the body does not take place exclusively through the nervous system. Among the electrical properties that cells manifest, there is the ability to conduct electrical energy, to generate it and to create electromagnetic fields.
Biological tissues cannot only receive, transduce and transmit electrical signals, but also acoustic, magnetic, mechanical, thermal vibrations and photons signal. This is why it is possible to see phenomena such as:
Biological reactions to the geomagnetic fields of the earth and to the Schumann fields
Biological reactions to the atmosphere electromagnetic field and disturbances due to sunspots, thunder, lightning, and earthquakes
Biological responses to heat and light
Biological responses to frequency generators that produce waves and electric fields, magnetic, photons, acoustic vibrations
Biological reactions under the hands of a pranotherapist
Source: The Therapeutic Properties of Electromagnetic Waves: From Pulsed Field to Rifing by Marcello Allegretti
The frequency of a sound wave measures how many complete cycles (or vibrations) the wave makes in one second. This is usually measured in Hertz (Hz), with one Hertz representing one cycle per second. The higher the frequency of a sound wave, the higher the pitch we perceive. So, in simple terms, a high-frequency sound has a high pitch (like a whistle), and a low-frequency sound has a low pitch (like a deep bass note).
The human eye can only see between 430-770 THz (TeraHertz). Humans can hear sound waves within a specific range of frequencies, typically between 20 Hz (very low, like a rumble) and 20,000 Hz (very high, like a whistle). These ranges make up a fraction of the total sound and light frequency range. This means there is a lot going on around that we cannot see or hear.
Image credit/source: NASA
A study published in 2019 concludes that 432 Hz tuned music can decrease heart rate more than 440 Hz tuned music. The subjects were more focused on listening to music and more generally satisfied after the sessions in which they listened to 432 Hz tuned music.
Near Joshua Tree National Park in California sits a very unique structure, the Integratron, that not only is a significant historical monument, but it is also a space constructed perfectly for sound healing.
Kristen standing on the ground level of the Integratron, December 2022 Sonic Geometry event with Eric Rankin. Learn more.
Like sound, essential oils have a frequency.
Essential oils have a bio-electrical frequency that is several times greater than the frequency of herbs, food, and even the human body.
There have even been clinical studies done that demonstrate that essential oils can quickly raise the frequency of the body, restoring it to normal healthy levels.
Schumann Resonance
At any given moment about 2,000 thunderstorms roll over Earth, producing some 50 flashes of lightning every second. Each lightning burst creates electromagnetic waves that begin to circle around Earth captured between Earth's surface and a boundary about 60 miles up. Some of the waves - if they have just the right wavelength - combine, increasing in strength, to create a repeating atmospheric heartbeat known as Schumann resonance. This resonance provides a useful tool to analyze Earth's weather, its electric environment, and to even help determine what types of atoms and molecules exist in Earth's atmosphere. Source: NASA
The Earth’s natural heartbeat rhythm is the frequency of 7.83 Hz, (Schumann Resonance). A 7.83 Hz frequency is an alpha/theta brainwave frequency in the human brain. Alpha/Theta brainwave frequency is relaxed, dreamy, sleepy state, that is also when cell regeneration and healing happens. It is no surprise that people nowadays, especially in bigger cities, are unbalanced, irritated, reactive, angry and disease are rising in astronomical numbers. We live in the time of technology, with superficial wavelengths that disrupt the natural earth's frequency. Wifi, cell phones, and an array of electronics are part of our everyday lives. It is also why our bio-electromagnetic waves are out of balance. We are out of balance from Earth's electromagnetic frequency. For example, the frequency of radiofrequency electromagnetic radiation (what powers cell phones, tvs, radio etc) ranges from 30,000 Hz to 300 Billion Hz. That is a significant amount more than 7.83 Hz that the earth radiates. No wonder we are all out of balance and crave healing.
Schumann Resonance app for real-time tracking on Apple.
“Changes in solar and geomagnetic activity correlate with changes in human nervous system activity. Overall, the study suggests that daily autonomic nervous system activity not only responds to changes in solar and geomagnetic activity, but is synchronized with the time-varying magnetic fields associated with geomagnetic field-line resonances and Schumann resonances. A likely explanation for how solar and geomagnetic fields can influence human nervous system activity is through a resonant coupling between our nervous systems and geomagnetic frequencies (Alfvén waves), or ultra low frequency standing waves in the earth-ionosphere resonant cavity (Schumann resonances) that overlap with physiological rhythms.”
A few ways to support a healthy body frequency:
• Earthing
When the weather is nice, and the ground is not treated with harsh chemicals, walking barefoot on the Earth is so helpful.
• Essential oils
If being outside in nature isn’t an option, essential oils are the next best thing! Yes, essential oils have frequencies, and you can learn more below! Similar to being deep in nature itself, the essence of nature, essential oils, provide a countless number of health and wellness benefits.
• Eat fresh, raw fruits and vegetables
• Use/wear crystals such as black tourmaline, Shungite, pyrite, and Hematite - these are powerfully protective against EMFs.
• Sound healing
Frequencies of Various Substances
Processed/canned food 0 (zero) MHz
Fresh foods 20-27 MHz
Dry Herbs from 15-22 MHz
Fresh Herbs from 20-27MHz
Essential Oils started at 52 MHz and went as high as 320 MHz
Fresh foods and herbs can be higher in frequency if grown organically and eaten freshly picked
Essential Oils Frequencies (Young Living Essential Oils)
Angelica - 85 MHz
Frankincense - 147 MHz
Helichrysum - 181 MHz
Lavender - 118 MHz
Peppermint 78 MHz
Rose - 320 MHz
Sandalwood - 96 MHz
Abundance - 78 MHz
Clarity - 101 MHz
Exodus II - 180 MHz
Forgiveness - 192 MHz
Joy - 188 MHz
Thieves - 150 MHz
Valor - 47 MHz
Source: Essential Oils Desk Reference - 7th Edition
Understanding the soil in which the plant grows, the proper harvest time, distillation requirements, and testing standards are preliminary to authentic essential oils. There are many important elements that go into ensuring you’re getting the most benefit out of nature’s living energy.
The life force inherent in all things:
Chi is the Chinese word
Ki is the Japanese word
Prana is the Sanskrit word
Ka is the Egyptian word
Orgone was the name given to it by an Austrian psychoanalyst
Od was the name assigned by a German chemist, geologist, and metallurgist
Quantum 'yin-yang' shows two photons being entangled in real-time
The stunning experiment, which reconstructs the properties of entangled photons from a 2D interference pattern, could be used to design faster quantum computers. The reconstruction of a holographic image of two entangled photons., August 2023
Scientists have used a first-of-its-kind technique to visualize two entangled light particles in real time — making them appear as a stunning quantum "yin-yang" symbol.
Emotions: Energy in motion
Our bodies consist of up to 60-65% water
This water is distributed throughout various tissues and organs and plays a crucial role in maintaining bodily functions.
Emotions Impact Physical Health
Emotional/Organ Connection
Stress : Brain
Frustration : Head
Tension : Neck & Spine
Mistrust : Thyroid
Stress, Fright : Heart
Grief, Fear : Lungs
Anxiety : Digestive Tract
Rage, Jealousy : Liver
Fight or Flight : Adrenals
Anger : Gall Bladder
Guilt : Spleen
Fear, Shock : Kidneys
Energy Centers or Neuro-Endocrine Centers of the body
Root Chakra
Sanskrit name: Mūlādhāra
Location: Bones, Feet, Knees, Legs, Perineum, Coccyx
Energetics and Imbalances: Our bones are the densest manifestation of our spirit, the last part of our body to solidify and the last part to decompose. It is in the bones where blood is produced. This is the blood of our ancestors, our tribe, and our future children. Bones provide structure, safety, and security for our home, our temple called the body, while we reside on Mother Earth.
This home requires a caretaker to occupy it, to notice how it feels and what it needs. If we don't take up residence in all the rooms, we may appear spacey, aloof-not really here. As a result, we may develop aches and pains in our feet, knees, and legs. Oftentimes, severe neglect or trauma such as assault, rape, life-threatening illnesses, or accidents can cause us to leave our bodies because it feels too scary to be in them. This can be the start of a cycle of violations to the body, be they emotional, energetic, or physical. Other manifestations can show as anxieties, phobias, insomnia, substance abuse, impoverishment, or victimization. The symptoms can also show up if we sever, lose, or have shame around our connection to our family and roots.
Chakra Balancing: Exercises in nature that activate feet and legs and demand presence. Adequate sleep. Dancing. Claiming one’s home in the world. Bodywork which provides safe exploration of and re-introduction into, body sensations and emotions.
Affirmation: I feel the grounding support of the great mother under my feet and the unconditional love of God above. I am safe.
Root Correspondences:
Element: Earth
Gland: Adrenal
Essential Oils: Sandalwood, Cinnamon, Myrrh, Cedarwood, Ginger, Cypress; Valor™, Abundance™, Grounding™
Stones: Bloodstone, Garnet, Ruby, Hematite, Iodestone, Onyx, Tigers Eye
Musical Note: C
Bija mantra: Lam
Type of Music Drumming
Food: Proteins, Meat
Right: To Be Here, To Have
Sacral Chakra
Sanskrit name: Svadhisthana
Location: kidneys, bladder, sex organs, sacrum, hips
Energetic and Imbalances: The pelvic bowl contains so many of our fluids, the ocean of rhythms and heights. It holds the spectrum of emotions from the depths of silent dark Waters to the crest of torrent waves. Love and pain swim in this ocean, which undulates with our passions and desires.
If we don't allow ourselves to feel the variety of currents, our water may freeze, or boil and dry up. We may become passionate either out of a need to control ourselves or from fear that we won't get what we want. If we do not keep a witness to our emotions, we will drown in them and create unnecessary drama in our lives. Either extreme may cause sexual dysfunction such as a constant need for pleasure or rejection of pleasure due to fear or shame. Physical symptoms can include chronic menstrual cramping, endometriosis, infertility, sterility, prostate problems, sciatica, and hip pain.
Chakra Balancing: Take baths. Practice fluid movement exercises, such as swimming, dancing or yoga. Where is sensual fabrics. Acknowledge your desires. Know your boundaries; for example, where you end and another begins. Engage in healthy pleasure. Ask for what you want. Sensuous massage. Tantra yoga.
Affirmation: I welcome and acknowledge all of my feelings and desires, easily discerning the appropriateness of acting on them.
Sacral Correspondences:
Element: Water
Gland: Ovaries/Testes
Essential Oils: Jasmine, Neroli, Rose, Clary Sage, Patchouli; Peace & Calming™, Harmony™, Inner Child™, Forgiveness™
Stones: Tigers Eye, Onyx, Carnelian, Coral, Citrine, Golden Topaz
Musical Note: D
Bija mantra: Vam
Type of Music: Latin Dance
Foods: Liquids
Right: To Feel
Solar Plexus Chakra
Sanskrit name: Maṇipūra
Location: Liver, Pancreas, Gallbladder, Intestine, Stomach
Energetics and Imbalances: Our gut hears our truth and feels our desires. It is our will-center and place of power where our individuality asserts itself. The center holds our digestive system, our bodi’s engine, which burns fuel to provide energy for us to pursue our callings.
If we betray our bodies with unhealthy foods or substances, our engine may start to malfunction. It can send acid back up into the throat, stop our bowels from evacuating regularly, speed up or slow down our metabolism, affecting the absorption of nutrients and blood sugar levels, causing diabetes or hypoglycemia. Hepatitis, gallstones, and pancreatitis may also result. If we don't act according to our truth, we may experience frustrations, anger, shame, lack of joy, or low self-esteem. When our engine is overtaxed hour and energy level drops, chronic fatigue, fibromyalgia, lupus, and other autoimmune disorders can occur and create a sense of powerlessness.
Chakra Balancing: Act from your youth to avoid creating shame and anger. When in hurtful circumstances beyond your control, practice forgiveness and compassion for self. Eat healthy foods, limiting sugar, caffeine, and alcohol. Celebrate your uniqueness. Laugh from your belly. Practice Qi Gong or Tai Chi.
Affirmation: I honor my truth and my body. I am powerful beyond measure.
Solar Plexus Correspondences:
Element: Fire
Gland: Pancreas
Essential Oils: Lemon, Juniper, Grapefruit, Bergamont, Cinnamon, Fennel, Lemongrass; Harmony™, En-R-Gee™, Acceptance™, Release™, Sacred Mountain™
Stones: Yellow Citrine, Amber, Topaz, Sunstone, Areganite, Golden Calcite
Musical Note: E
Bija mantra: Ram
Type of Music: Marches
Foods: Complex Carbohydrates
Right: To Act, To Create
Heart Chakra
Sanskrit name: Anāhata
Location: Lungs, Heart, Arms, Hands
Energetics and Imbalances: We breathe heaven and earth energies into our heart chakra, our higher mind, where our thoughts and feelings are processed through unconditional love. With each inhale our body is connecting with and receiving the exhale of our planet. With each exhale we are nourishing our earth home. This intimate exchange is essential to our survival. Balance between giving and receiving is regulated in our heart chakra. The depth of our breath is equal to the depth at which we are engaged in life.
The extent to which we fully love ourselves, including our shadow, the demonstrates the love we can share in with others. If we don't love ourselves, we may start to collapse in our chest and experience feelings of isolation, loneliness, depression, and even despair. If our lack of self-love continues we may puff up our chests, close our eyes, and fight the world in order to keep it away. Physical manifestations include tuberculosis, high blood pressure, and angina.
Chakra Balancing: Look in the mirror and say “I love you” until you get it. Get together with support of friends. Light candles. Sit around the campfire. Practice deep breathing. Tell others that you love them. Breathwork with a practitioner.
Affirmation: I am deeply loved by God. I am completely lovable.
Heart Correspondences:
Element: Air
Gland: Thymus
Essential Oils: Rose, Melissa, Jasmine, Ylang Ylang; Joy™, Acceptance™, Humility™
Stones: Emerald, Rose Quartz,Peridot, Jade, Moonstone, Malachite, Kunzite
Musical Note: F
Bija mantra: Yam
Type of Music: Choral
Food: Vegetables
Right: To Love
Throat Chakra
Sanskrit name: Ājñā
Location: Mouth, Jaw, Throat, Ears, Shoulders
Energetic and Imbalances: The throat chakra is where we use sound to express our individual beliefs and truths. This chakra is also a conduit in which divine wisdom and beauty are transmitted through a variety of creative modalities.
Speaking positively about ourselves and others raises our vibrations and can enhance our immune system. Speaking our highest truth strengthens our will-center (Solar Plexus). If we are not honest with ourselves or others we may create dysfunctional patterns in relationships, work, or any other number of places. This can lead to neck stiffness, tight shoulders, headaches, temporal mandibular joint syndrome, incessant talking, malicious gossip, almost no talking, sore throat or thyroid conditions. Severe dissonance may lead to dangerous situations where we may be harmed or harm others.
Chakra Balancing: Sing. Create. Listen deeply and speak truthfully. Align your behaviors with your truth. Avoid speaking or listening to gossip. Learn positive, clear, communication skills.
Affirmation: In silence I hear my deepest truth, and from that place I speak.
Throat Correspondences:
Element: Ether
Gland: Thyroid and Parathyroid
Essential Oils: German Chamomile, Ylang Ylang, Bergamot, Tea Tree; Believe™, Valor™, Envision™, Hope™
Stones: Turquoise, Blue Agate, Aquamarine, Celestite, Sodalite, Amber
Musical Note: G
Bija mantra:
Type of Music: Opera
Food: Fruit
Right: To Speak
Third Eye Chakra
Sanskrit name: Sahasrara
Location: Eyes, Base of Skull
Energetics and Imbalances: Vision is a complex system of light, refraction, communication with a higher source and interpretation or perception of what is seen. There is both physical sight and seeing through intuition or sixth sense. Wisdom is gained by observing patterns in our own lives and patterns which have occurred throughout history. Insight into our subconscious mind and the collective conscious comes in the form of dreams and visions.
Some people sense beyond the illusory veils of time and space and are able to see angels, fairies, loved ones who have died, and other dimensions, past and future. Others need proof that what they are seeing is real, and will not allow themselves to believe in anything other than that. There is a wide spectrum in between and beyond the two. In the extremes, a person may experience nightmares, hallucinations, paranoid fantasies, misinterpretation of intuitive information, insensitivity, or oblivion to the subtleties around them. Physical symptoms can include migraines, blindness and other eye problems, brain tumors, and strokes.
Chakra Balancing: Keep a journal by your bed and write down your dreams upon waking. Explore the patterns in your life. Create new ways of being that serve your highest purpose. Surround yourself with beauty and light. Pay attention to your intuition and cultivate it. Meditation to clear your mind.
Affirmation: I see with clarity through the eyes of God.
Third Eye Correspondences:
Element: Light
Gland: Pituitary
Essential Oils: Patchouli, Cedarwood, Lavender; Awaken™, Dream Catcher™, Transformation™, White Angelica™
Sones: Lapis Lazuli, Sapphire, Clear Calcite, Azurite, Purple Fluorite
Musical Note: A
Bija mantra: Om
Type of Music: Classical
Food: None, Consciousness-Altering Substances
Right: To See
Crown Chakra
Sanskrit name: Sahasrara
Location: Top of Head, Brain
Energetics and Imbalances: This is our organizing body, like a filing cabinet or motherboard. Similar to the South Pole (root chakra), which provides the structure for our tissues, the North Pole (crown chakra) provides the structure for our thoughts and belief systems. It is continually reorganizing and shifting to assimilate new ideas and experiences. These structures can expand through high, awesome experiences which give us a deep sense of connection with God. These structures close down when we stay attached to old beliefs which no longer serve us.
Overthinking and analyzing in order to fit new experiences into existing structures restricts our ability to expand. This restriction can also lead to feelings of alines or futility due to the absence of connection with a higher power. Expansion without our feet on the ground can create delusional states and disassociation from the body. Either extreme can create learning and perceptual difficulties, neurosis, insomnia, color blindness, and epilepsy.
Chakra Balancing: Consistently engage in spiritual practices that nourish you. Connect with nature. Read inspirational writing. Practice gratitude for all that you have and all that is. Surrender to the will of God. Meditate.
Affirmation: I trust in a higher power and know that I am one with all that exists.
Crown Correspondences:
Element: The Cosmos
Gland: Pineal
Essential Oils: Lavender, Myrrh, Frankincense; Gathering™, Inspiration™, Three Wise Men™
Stones: Amethyst, Alexandrite, Diamond, Sugalite, White Tourmaline, Clear Quartz
Musical Note: B
Bija mantra: Silence
Type of Music: Indian Ragas
Food: None, Fasting
Right: To Know
Curious about chakras, energy healing, and holistic well-being? Whether you're a beginner or a seasoned practitioner, deepen your understanding of yourself and the subtle energies that flow within.
Our online wellness studio offers tools to support self-care at home or on the go, including sound healing, yoga, wellness coaching, and more. Sign up for unlimited access today!
When you shift the frequency on the radio, the station changes. When you shift the frequency of yourself, the universe changes.
“By intentionally choosing to feel the elected emotions of the heart rather than waiting for something outside of yourself to elicit those emotions, you become who you are truly meant to be — a heart-empowered individual. When you are living by the heart, you naturally choose love and innately demonstrate it through compassion and care for the well-being of yourself, others, and planet Earth.”
- Dr. Joe Dispenza, MD
Author of Becoming Supernatural