The Sad Reality…

The American Cancer Society estimates that 90-95% of all cancers are environmental and preventable. That means you can do something about it...TODAY!!

Removing toxins from your home doesn’t just protect you and your family, it preserves the generations who will come after you.

The average person applies 300 harsh chemicals to their body every single day, and 80 of those harsh chemicals before breakfast! Most from four things - soap, makeup, shampoo, and hair care. The biggest pollutants in our home are fabric softener, dryer sheets, air freshener plug-ins, and candles. You are literally poisoning your family every day with the stuff that you can't pronounce in your home, like your bright blue dish soap, the cleaner you use for your kitchen counter, processed food, and more. Health and safety data only exists for 15% of all the harsh chemicals out there, even though so many are known to cause asthma or endocrine disruptions.

There are over 185,000 known harsh chemicals actively used in products in the United States today. The average person puts 300 chemicals a day on their skin through 4 things: soap, shampoo, makeup, and hair care. 80 of those chemicals are used before breakfast. The FDA says to date, less than 15% of all chemicals in the U.S. have been thoroughly studied for their side effects. Common side effects of chemical uses: endocrine disruptors, which make you gain weight, skin issues, asthma, and even cancer. There is a better way to get the poisons out of your home. It comes down to making smarter decisions.

The Hidden Toxins in Air Fresheners & Scented Candles

Synthetic fragrances may be the most common type of harsh-chemical in your home.

Air fresheners, plug-in type deodorizers, and scented candles can emit hundreds of harmful chemicals known to be carcinogens, respiratory and endocrine disruptors, and reproductive toxicants, even at low levels.

In 2014, Scientific American Reported that a study in the journal, Environmental Health Perspectives, shows a strong link between exposure to phthalates (chemicals that are found in air fresheners and often plastics) during pregnancy and the child’s future risk of asthma.

Making the switch to health-promoting products is simple.

It’s simple to replace virtually every harsh product in your home with a clean switch! Diffusing essential oils provides a safe and effective method for purifying and scenting the air in your home as a fantastic alternative to harmful air fresheners, candles, and plug-ins. Continue to learn more...