10 reasons to drink Ningxia Red® every day:
Provide antioxidant protection
Increase energy and strength
Maintain healthy blood sugar
Help manage a healthy weight
Supports healthy digestion
Supports the body's natural ability to fight anxiety and stress
Supports immune system
Improves quality of sleep
Supports vision health
Memory support
One ounce of Ningxia Red has the same nutrient content as:
34 large onions
100 oranges
814 blueberries
22 carrots
10 lbs. of spinach
55 lbs. of almonds
59 broccoli florets
73 medium Strawberries
93 apples
Powerful Antioxidant
2-fluid ounces of NingXia Red has the antioxidant equivalent of:
200 oranges OR
1,628 blueberries OR
44 carrots OR
20 pounds of spinach OR
118 broccoli florets OR
146 strawberries OR
186 apples OR
45,628 almonds
Ningxia Wolfberry Nutrient Summary
Contains 21 essential minerals & 18 amino acids
67 times the thiamin (vitamin B1) of brown rice
2 times the niacin (vitamin B3) of bakers yeast
3 times the vitamin C of raw oranges
5 times the calcium of raw cauliflower
2 times the beta carotene of raw spinach
4 times the amount of potassium found in 3oz. of fresh bananas (1600mg of potassium)
Rich in magnesium
15.6% Protein by weight
21% Fiber by weight
Ningxia Red hits the ORAC (oxygen radical absorbance capacity) mark at over 30,000!
With so many essential nutrients for your body, can you imagine how good you could feel by drinking just 1-2 ounces of Ningxia Red each day?