Sound Bath
Experience a Sound Bath
There's no organ system in the body that's not affected by sound, music, and vibration. You can look at disease as a form of disharmony.
-Mitchell Gaynor, MD
Unplug and restore.
The tones of quartz crystal and Tibetan singing bowls balance each of the chakras or energy center of the body and bring each layer of the entire being into harmony with one another. They balance the physical body and synchronize the two hemispheres of the brain. Singing bowls allow old energy patterns that no longer serve us to be removed and transformed. Sound baths create a space for us to relax and enter into altered states of being, allowing us to enter into the alpha-theta optimum healing frequency.
Support your body and mind.
Singing bowls are tuned to influence the body’s natural healing process, focusing on the frequency of our body’s energy centers to support the body overall - emotionally and physically.
Create a supportive space for self-healing.
Escape the busy-ness of life and immerse your senses in this unique self-care experience. This meditation may help to release emotional blockages and align you with the heartbeat of the universe, as well as heighten perception, increase mental clarity and unlock intuition.
Our energy body is like an instrument
Just like you can tune an instrument back to its harmonious state, you can tune the energy of your own body back to its harmonious state.
Combining the sense of smell with the sense of hearing into a powerful meditation.
During my sound bath experience, I offer authentic one-hundred percent pure essential oils and meditative sounds created from finely-tuned quartz crystal singing bowls and Tibetan singing bowls. Essential oils are derived from plants, and the inhalation of essential oils can have very profound physiological and psychological effects. The sense of smell is the most powerful of the five human senses, tied to adrenal health, allergies and breathing issues and countless more processes. Certain smells can trigger visual memory, and the volatile scents of the plant are chemical messengers that can trigger and influence our emotions, helping to create an even greater impact at the cellular-level.
An introduction to Sound Healing with Kristen
Sound Bath Benefits:
Stress relief and relaxation
Can be restorative, transformative and self-healing
Can be connecting for people both personally and socially
Assists in re-balancing and harmonizing the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual bodies
Can assist with improving sleep quality
Can transcend time – people often report that time went quickly or very slowly...
Nurturing and supportive – providing quality self-care and respite from stress
Works on a cellular level through vibration, frequency, and entrainment –- and is not reliant on mental effort to achieve this!
Sound healing is one of the emerging healing modalities that is gaining in popularity – non-invasive, gentle, and powerful!
The Muse KC, our sound healing studio located in the River Market of downtown Kansas City, Missouri.